Bamboozled to Death in Montana and in the U.S.A. Today

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Yesterday Montanans elected another Republican to Congress.  See

How many Montanans knew that about 4 people die of injuries due to vehicle violence each week in Montana?  See,18.5254,-48.8919,56.9713

How many Montanans knew that about 71% of people who died of these injuries were “Not Taken” to any medical facility for emergency care? See attached data.

How many Americans know that over the years 2011 – 2015 the number of Americans who died of injuries due to vehicle violence was 166,990 people.  And that 56% were “Not Taken” to any medical facility for emergency care.  DRTs!

What are DRTs?  Two years ago I wrote about EMS Week and how a Montanan taught me what DRTs are.  See

Imagine if each family that suffered such a tragedy posted their stories on a national online map.  Would we have seen more action to prevent such tragedies?

Fewer Americans would be bamboozled.

Lou Lombardo

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