Dear Members:
Legal reader has published an article I wrote about my contributions to getting the lead out of gasoline and children’s blood.
The article also provides reputable quantification of the enormous benefits to humanity.
Your comments are always appreciated.
Thank you,
Category: Blog
Supreme Court Decisions Consequential for Humanity
Dear Care for Crash Victims Readers:
Just before the Supreme Court Decision on Presidential Immunity I submitted the following article which has just been published.
I hope you find it helpful.
We the people need all the help we can muster.
Thanks to Ralph Nader and Joan Claybrook and You who Care for Crash Victims
Dear Care for Crash Victims Readers:
Recently I met a fellow citizen who was saved by a side curtain airbag. He was in a 2015 Mercedes struck on the driver side door by a driver in a blinding rain storm.
This story led to my wondering how many lives have been saved by airbags in the U.S. and worldwide.
No easy answers so far. But clearly a wonderful success story that is growing year by year.
Hopefully this will stimulate other efforts to prevent tragedies.
Be safe,
Calling for an End to Crash Drowning Deaths
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
A tragic Crash Drowning Death was in the news recently.
An article I submitted pro bono to Legal Reader has now been published.
Please see
Hopefully we can help make progress in ending such tragedies.
Consumer Reports Puts Your Safety First
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Legal Reader has kindly published an article that I submitted pro bono on this life saving initiative by Consumer Reports.
Having worked on the life saving technology of Automatic Crash Notification (ACN) since the early 1990s it is gratifying to see Consumer Reports launch this initiative.
In response to Consumer Reports’ call for public support I wrote this article that lays out some of the history of the enormous number of tragedies since 1982 that now exceed the number of lives lost in all U. S. Wars.
I document what NHTSA knew, when they knew it, as NHTSA counted more than 1,600,000 fatalities since 1982.
Please help Consumer Reports succeed in this life saving effort to get NHTSA to promulgate an ACN Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.
Be Safe Be Bright
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Legal Reader has kindly published my article submitted pro bono on Pedestrian & Bicyclist Safety.
Hopefully it will help prevent tragedies
Please feel free to share it with your friends, families and anyone else.
Consumer Reports Advocates for Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard for Automatic Crash Notification + Urgency Crash Data to Save Lives
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Consumer Reports has launched a safety initiative with huge life saving potential.
The need for such information on the crash to save lives was impressed upon me in the 1990’s.
After working for more than a decade to help get airbag crash protection into cars, I was managing a NHTSA project in which we were investigating crashes, injuries, medical treatments, and outcomes at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami Florida.
Our second crash (case #91-002) was a horrendous 55 mph Delta V, multiple impact, crash of a 1991 Volvo with airbags.
The driver was not belted and the fatal internal injuries were “occult” i.e. not obviously reflective of the crash severity which only became clear after a full crash investigation had been performed. See
This crash gave NHTSA the insights that airbags were giving the emergency medical community a different, more subtle, set of injury indicators known as occult injuries.
In the late 1990s, under the leadership of Administrator Ricardo Martinez and later Administrator Jeffrey W. Runge, both Emergency Physicians, NHTSA created the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) program which aimed at improving all aspects of auto safety. See two NHTSA reports that I worked on
When I was handing out the final Report one morning to the Principal Investigator from the Michigan CIREN Center before anyone else had arrived, I remarked “Wouldn’t it be great if we had a CIREN Center in each of the 50 States?” His answer made the hair on my neck feel the chill of death. He emphatically said “I don’t want that.”
Since he was well funded by the auto companies, that was the beginning of the end of the CIREN program.
So if we are to make safety progress with automatic crash notification and Urgency software it will take more than I have been able to achieve.
There are millions of reasons the American people need Consumer Reports’ efforts now to help people get the timely and optimal protection from crash injuries they need to reduce mortality, morbidity and tragic consequences of their crashes.
I have tried to quantify some of these reasons using historical NHTSA data on more than a million crash deaths and DOT Policy guidance on dollar values of statistical lives lost. See
Please consider helping by signing the Consumer Reports Petition at
Put People before Profits