Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
The 2016 Republican Platform is now available at
The platform is dedicated as follows:
I like that it mentions “first responders” but as one reads the Platform it is heavily laden with “leave it to the States” policies.
The Chair is Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming and an orthopedic surgeon.
“For teenagers, Wyoming reported the highest rate of deaths for teen drivers and the state has only mild restrictions on teen drivers. However, the next two states on the list, Montana and North Dakota, have some of the least restrictive rules for teen drivers, granting them full privileges at age 16.
In fact, the top five states for teen crash fatalities all have little or mildly restrictive licensing policies for teens. They could lower their stats, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, by tightening their rules on graduated licenses.
According to the NHTSA, implementing Graduated Driver Licensing can lead to a 20-50% decrease in accidents involving young and inexperienced drivers. Vehicle accidents are the top cause of death for teenagers.
In the broader study, states with few safety restrictions often finished at or near the top of some highly undesirable categories.
The top 15 states for restraint-related crash fatalities also have the lowest penalties for failure to buckle up. Again, Wyoming tops the list for accident deaths. Mississippi, Montana, and North Dakota also rank high for fatalities relating to a lack of restraint.” See