5 Nursing Students Die of Crash Injuries Suffered by Heavy Truck That Did Not Stop
April, 2015
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Think about the losses of the promising lives of these nurses — and the lives they would have gone on to save. See
Ask what might have prevented such tragedies. Safety groups have been working to prevent such tragedies. See petitionhttp://www.autosafety.org/safety-advocates-call-us-dot-issue-rule-requiring-crash-avoidance-technology-large-trucks
Watch videos of technologies by Mercedes and Volvo that might have prevented or ameliorated this crash. SeeVideos: Heavy Truck Emergency Braking (Mercedes and Volvo)
Ask what might President Obama do to prevent future tragedies that he has not done in 6 years in Office. Seehttp://www.fairwarning.org/2012/09/a-strange-indifference-to-highway-carnage/
Ask what we can do to produce the protection that Americans need and deserve but do not get.