Who To Blame For Recalls & What To Do
June, 2015
Michael R. Lemov, author of the new book “Car Safety Wars”, has written an article just published in the Detroit News:“The blame for this regulation by recall and for the slowdown in preventive standard setting must be shared by the automobile industry and Congress. The former often lobbies against new safety regulations. The Congress has starved NHTSA for adequate funding and staff for years.” See http://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/2015/06/04/lemov-auto-safety-recalls-flawed-remedy/28425435/
What to Do
Consumer Advocates have written the following:“As representatives of the nation’s leading consumer, public health, and safety organizations, we are writing in support of legislation you have introduced, the Vehicle Safety Improvement Act of 2015, H.R. 1181.”