Bad Guardrails and Good Governance

Bad Guardrails and Good Governance

October, 2014

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The NY Times has identified and mapped the 13 States that have banned dangerous guardrails.  Current status: 9 Blue States: MA, CT, NH, OR, CO, NV, VA, VT, HI

4 Red States: AZ, MO, LA, MS
Then consider the 37 States that have not yet banned bad guardrails.  Shouldn’t the American people know about this before election day?  It is a matter of life or death importance. Readers and media can use our Crash Death Mapping Tools to determine crash deaths since 2002 by year, State, and Congressional District at
And, what about governance by the DOT Federal Highway Administration?  The Obama Administration should not only review NHTSA but also FHWA for its failures to protect Americans.
We can, and must, do better protecting Americans from crash deaths and serious injuries.



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