Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Deaths and Injuries By Corporate Designs
The problem has been carefully and powerfully described in an excellent CBS video at
The video relied in part on the noble and diligent work of the Center for Auto Safety for decades to end these needless tragedies. See
Some progressive political pressure grew but not enough to move the Obama Administration yet. See
Yesterday, the Center for Auto Safety released additional information that continues to build the case for humane and moral action to end this vehicle violence. The CAS found evidence of 327 deaths and 3,278 injuries since 2003 that NHTSA should have acted on. The data shows Ford had the most deaths while GM had the most injuries. See
Decades of NHTSA Failures to Protect Americans Here
NHTSA continues to fail to act. See
Where is the Obama Administration? Defending shipment of $400 million in cash to Iran – apparently in part for 4 American hostages. Compare $400 million to the 327 deaths valued at $9 million each using DOT policy value of a statistical life = $3 billion. See
Note the Obama Administration spends more than $100 million each year on vehicle safety research – but it is managed by former GM employees. See
Resources Not Spent On Safety
Where are the Foundations? The largest Gates spends 75% of our money overseas. (Yes, I think of it as “our money” to some extent since it was made here in the U.S.A. and tax sheltered here for years.)
Imagine how many lives would have been saved if the Center for Auto Safety over the past 40 years had a budget of $10 million each year (actually it is far less than $1 million).
Note the Obama Administration spends more than $100 million each year on vehicle safety research – but it is managed by former GM employees. And because of the freely spinning DOT Revolving Door by too many past, present, and future corporate servants.
Under Obama, American taxpayers bailed out automakers, but Obama has overseen scandals at NHTSA and an estimated 250,000 deaths by the end of this year here in the U.S.A. Currently, vehicle violence is resulting in 100 deaths + 400 serious injuries and an estimated cost of $2 billion every average day in the U.S.A. today. See
Lou Lombardo