Discount on “Car Safety Wars” + Federal Revolving Door Solution Proposed by NY Times Editors
April, 2015
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Good News for our community. After I posted my April Monthly Report yesterday reviewing “Car Safety Wars” I learned that I can attach for your use a 30% discount coupon for “Car Safety Wars” by Michael R. Lemov. The discount only applies to purchases from the publisher Rowman & Littlefield. See attached discount form. My Book Review post is now up at
Good news on the growing recognition of Regulatory Capture is a new NY Times Editorial that concludes:
“But consumer advocates are surely right that putting the industry in charge of supplement regulation is like appointing the fox to guard the henhouse. Clearly, the F.D.A. should not allow industry insiders to fill key positions. A permanent solution is for Congress to enact conflict-of-interest laws forcing employees above a certain grade level at any agency to recuse themselves from official actions that affect a former employer or client, including trade associations and their members.”
While this example was a FDA scandal, the Revolving Door – Conflict of Interest problem is pervasive in Washington regulatory agencies today with tragic consequences for the American people.
A year ago I noted some of the high positions held – previously and presently – by former industry officials at the White House, OMB, DOT, NHTSA and CDC. Titled “On the Trail of Responsibilities for Crash Deaths and Serious Injuries” it documented a widespread problem of life or death importance to all Americans. See
Later in the year the NY Times carried an Op Ed by Clarence Ditlow and Ralph Nader that called for “Only a complete overhaul of the agency’s culture will prevent future recalls, since automakers will always place sales and profits over safety and innovation. This should start with closing the revolving door, adopting criminal penalties and increasing funding. All auto companies should have an independent, government-certified safety ombudsman to investigate complaints from whistle-blowers and to report defects directly to the chief executive and the agency.”
Hopefully this will all help Americans get the protection they need and pay for every day as taxpayers and consumers.
Your comments on the new book and my review are welcome.