GM Recall Hearings and Article in National Catholic Reporter

GM Recall Hearings and Article in National Catholic Reporter

July, 2014

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Colman McCarthy addressed the forthcoming Congressional Hearings and raised important questions (and generously mentioned my efforts).  His article is at

The next Hearings are scheduled for Thursday July 17.  See

In the 1960s, Colman’s articles in the Washington Post were very powerful contributors to the removal of lead from gasoline and reducing air pollution.  The removal of lead from gasoline (and the consequent reduction of lead in the blood of urban children) now is recognized as one of the major public health advances in the last century.

And it is evidence today of how America can solve its problems.  One of Colman’s great books is very timely today Solutions to Violence.

This book is inspirational and conveys the message in its stories that caring reduces violence and increases peace.  

With gratitude and hope for further progress,



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