History of Auto Safety: Progress & Pressing Needs

History of Auto Safety: Progress & Pressing Needs

May, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Keith Crain, Editor in Chief of Automotive News, notes 50 years of auto safety progress since publication of “Unsafe At Any Speed” by Ralph Nader.

“This industry can take pride in its accomplishments over the years. Despite that, it still needs outsiders to push for higher safety standards and greater compliance with existing rules.

Until there are no auto-related deaths or injuries, one could say that the work is not done.”  See 

Michael R. Lemov, author of Car Safety Wars, in a Baltimore Sun Op-Ed,  offers “a page of history about suffering and death on America’s highways and one big reason why it is still happening today.”  Seehttp://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-car-safety-20150430-story.html
Auto safety history continues to be of life or death or disability importance to all Americans.   On an average day Americans suffer nearly 100 crash deaths, 400 serious crash injuries, and estimated losses of $2 Billion. 
Automotive News reports that nearly 50% of all vehicles on the roads are not covered by existing safety regulations.  Seehttp://www.autonews.com/article/20150430/OEM11/150439993/almost-half-of-u-s-vehicles-arent-covered-under-existing-safety
We can, and must, do better protecting Americans from crash injuries.
Let’s push Presidential candidates to set a Vision Zero goal of zero deaths and serious crash injuries in a decade.  Seehttps://www.careforcrashvictims.com/assets/MonthlyReportforFebruary2015.pdf


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