Hope For and From Crash Victims For An End To Crash Violence Tragedies

Hope For and From Crash Victims For An End To Crash Violence Tragedies

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

In response to my recommendation to sign a petition to the President by crash victims, I received a Thank You video that is inspiring.
See “A Gift From Mary” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrOQzuaqFI4
Mary is one of Marianne Karth’s daughters that several years later died of crash injuries.  
See the Karth family story and sign their petition at their web site http://annaleahmary.com/2016/02/soon-to-come-the-delivery-of-a-vision-zero-petition-to-washington-dc/
The Karth family is trying to change how society values lives so as to put an end to crash violence forevermore for all humanity – setting a Vision Zero goal for crash deaths and serious injuries.
The Federal government currently places a dollar value on a “statistical” life at $9.4 million.  But a life is priceless.
Consider the “value” of the love, creativity, and work of a family to try to produce greater safety for all of us.   An inspiring example is this petition and this “Thank You” video.
I think of it as work worth many trillions of dollars for helping us end deaths and serious injuries in a decade.   Imagine this “Thank You” video going viral and becoming a “Thank You” for the safety of all humanity – forevermore.
Thank You to Ralph Nader!
We all owe a great “Thank You” to Ralph Nader whose work launched efforts that have saved an estimated 3.5 million lives so far – just in the U.S.A.  Seehttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/ralph-nader/your-safety-and-your-cong_b_8743044.html
Thanks to that work citizens can now continue the work for an end to the problems of crash deaths and serious injuries – and we still have a long way to go.
Here in America we are approaching 4 million deaths from crash injuries – currently with noOfficial end in sight.  Why?   See  https://www.careforcrashvictims.com/assets/MonthlyReportforJanuary2016-Corrected.pdf 
Law professors now and philosophers for centuries have addressed Why.   See the lecture series on “Justice: What’s the right thing to do?”
An excellent lecture on the subject of “cost – benefit analyses” is available online.  Seehttp://www.justiceharvard.org/2011/02/episode-two/#watch Professor Michael Sandel makes a timely case for a new politics of the common good.  
That is what the Karth family is doing now – and doing so well.  
Thank you to the Karth family!



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