Hope For and From Crash Victims For An End To Crash Violence Tragedies
February, 2016
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
In response to my recommendation to sign a petition to the President by crash victims, I received a Thank You video that is inspiring.
See “A Gift From Mary” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrOQzuaqFI4
Mary is one of Marianne Karth’s daughters that several years later died of crash injuries.
See the Karth family story and sign their petition at their web site http://annaleahmary.com/2016/02/soon-to-come-the-delivery-of-a-vision-zero-petition-to-washington-dc/
The Karth family is trying to change how society values lives so as to put an end to crash violence forevermore for all humanity – setting a Vision Zero goal for crash deaths and serious injuries.
The Federal government currently places a dollar value on a “statistical” life at $9.4 million. But a life is priceless.
Consider the “value” of the love, creativity, and work of a family to try to produce greater safety for all of us. An inspiring example is this petition and this “Thank You” video.
I think of it as work worth many trillions of dollars for helping us end deaths and serious injuries in a decade. Imagine this “Thank You” video going viral and becoming a “Thank You” for the safety of all humanity – forevermore.
Thank You to Ralph Nader!
We all owe a great “Thank You” to Ralph Nader whose work launched efforts that have saved an estimated 3.5 million lives so far – just in the U.S.A. Seehttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/ralph-nader/your-safety-and-your-cong_b_8743044.html
Thanks to that work citizens can now continue the work for an end to the problems of crash deaths and serious injuries – and we still have a long way to go.
Here in America we are approaching 4 million deaths from crash injuries – currently with noOfficial end in sight. Why? See https://www.careforcrashvictims.com/assets/MonthlyReportforJanuary2016-Corrected.pdf
Law professors now and philosophers for centuries have addressed Why. See the lecture series on “Justice: What’s the right thing to do?”
An excellent lecture on the subject of “cost – benefit analyses” is available online. Seehttp://www.justiceharvard.org/2011/02/episode-two/#watch Professor Michael Sandel makes a timely case for a new politics of the common good.
That is what the Karth family is doing now – and doing so well.
Thank you to the Karth family!