With all the wrongdoing that has gone on, and continues to this day, we need to see and hear the people with the experience of righting wrongs.
Who has done more to right more wrongs than Ralph Nader?
Nader is devoting a day of his Conference on “Breaking Through Power” to Tort Law.
He is including Marianne Karth, the mother who lost two daughters in a truck underride crash. Marianne has worked tirelessly to convert her grief into good so that other Americans need not suffer such tragedies.She has been researching and writing about what happened, its consequences, the historical failures for decades to promulgate solutions, and what can be done to end preventable vehicle violence for all of us – forevermore. She obtained 20,000 signatures on a petition to President Obama for adoption of a National Vision Zero Goal and delivered them in March 2016. See http://annaleahmary.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Vision-Zero-Petition-Book-3rd-Edition.pdf
She has taught me to better appreciate the injustice and the inequality of corporate and Federal government policies of weighing people’s lives against corporate dollars.