Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
New NHTSA data released on Non-Traffic “off the public traffic ways.” These statistics are in addition to the NHTSA counts of deaths along public roads of more than 90 deaths per day on average. New Non-Traffic Statistics: Deaths average about 5 per day. Injuries average about 250 per day.
Crash*Stats “Non-Traffic Surveillance: Fatality and Injury Statistics in Non-Traffic Crashes, 2012 to 2014” (DOT HS 812 311): Non-traffic motor vehicle crashes are a class of crashes that occur off the public traffic ways. These crashes are mostly single-vehicle crashes on private roads, two-vehicle crashes in parking facilities, or collisions with pedestrians in driveways. This publication focuses only on non-traffic crashes and presents some salient statistics about occupants and nonoccupants killed and injured in such crashes from 2012 to 2014. An average of 1,898 people were killed each year in non-traffic motor vehicle crashes during the 3-year period 2012 to 2014. About a third (34%) of those people killed were nonoccupants such as pedestrians and bicyclists. Additionally, 92,000 people were injured in these crashes each year, of which a third (33%) were nonoccupants.These statistics are in addition to the NHTSA counts of deaths along public roads of more than 90 deaths per day on average. See
People concerned with crash deaths and injuries wonder why presidential candidates are not mentioning vehicle violence but do mention gun violence. Both deserve national solutions.