Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
An excellent report on pedestrian fatalities is attached.
Findings include:
* Pedestrian Deaths as a percent of Total Traffic Fatalities have risen from 11% to 15% over the years 2005 – 2014
* Pedestrian Deaths remain about 4,800 year – or 13 deaths every average day in the U.S.A. today.
* 72% of Pedestrian fatalities by Light Level occurred in the Dark in 2014.
* 49% of Pedestrian Deaths in 2013 involved alcohol (34% Pedestrian, 15% Driver) in 2013.
* 74% of Pedestrian Deaths in 2014 were at Non-Intersection locations in 2014.
* State Rates and Rankings of Pedestrian Fatalities per 100,000 population in 2014 ranged from 3.55 (New Mexico) to 0.27 (Minnesota) with a U.S. Average of 1.53.
Sincere thanks to a subscriber for sharing this Report with us.
Hopefully the media will share this information of life or death importance with the wider public.