Crash Deaths Now To Be Much Greater in Red States Than in Blue States

Crash Deaths Now To Be Much Greater in Red States Than in Blue States

January, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The Washington Post’s Reid Wilson reported and documented that the control of State Legislatures will be heavily Republican in 2015.   Seven State Legislatures will be controlled by Democrats: HI, CA, OR, VT, CT, RI, and DE.  All except VT and DE had crash fatality rates per 100,000 people that were lower (better) than the national average of 10.69 in 2012.  

Twenty-four State Legislatures in 2015 will be controlled by Republicans: All except UT, NV, MI, and OH had crash fatality rates higher (worse) than the national average of 10.69 crash deaths per 100,000 population.  The States with Republican controlled legislatures  that had worse than average crash fatality rates in 2012 are WI, NE, ID, IN, TX, GA, FL, NC, AZ, KS, SD, LA, TN, SC, OK, AL, AR, MS, ND, WY.   

It is clear that many more people are likely to die of crash injuries in Red States in the next two years than in Blue States.  See State crash fatalities and rates in 2012 (latest data available) attached.
Readers can see the number of Crash Deaths in each State and each Congressional District for the years 2002 – 2011 using Crash Death Mapping Tools at
And today we hear that the drop in gasoline prices may result in an increase in crash deaths – perhaps thousands more – as people drive more.  See
Thus, elected officials have a more urgent bi-partisan need to act to prevent the next two years from resulting in more tragic crashes than the last two years.


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