Republican House of Representatives Committee Proposes Safety “Reforms”
October, 2015
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Draft legislation has been made public that many of our readers are worried will damage public safety. Automotive News reports:“WASHINGTON — Automakers would earn credits for meeting fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions targets by installing crash-avoidance and connected-car technologies on new vehicles under a broad set of safety reforms proposed by staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.“
Click on highlighted link to see the Draft. Source:
See what worries readers and what should worry you. To help you make your voice heard I have been creating resources you can use. * The number of Crash Fatalities for each Congressional District for each of the years 2004-2013 are at: * Recent analyses of crash consequences and safety needs by State for building political support are at:
Here’s hoping the safety of people will prevail over campaign contributions.