Revolving Door Problem at DOT, NHTSA, and Other Regulatory Agencies Examined

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The LA Times has looked at the Revolving Door problem and asked a most important question of life or death or disability or freedom from harm. “what’s the ordinary person to do?”

“Government can’t pay young staff members or even top officials enough to keep them from seeking higher salaries in the private sector. Only oversight by a Congress and president truly devoted to the public interest, not commercial interests, can keep regulatory agencies focused on the people’s business.

But when business gets its say on Capitol Hill and the White House too, what’s the ordinary person to do?”,0,1425489.column#ixzz2rXH9c6sH

As shown in the 2011 crash death data below, there are many reasons each year for the people of LA as well as all Americans to be concerned with the Revolving Door at DOT & NHTSA.

We can and must do better protecting Americans from harm – deaths and serious injuries in crashes. These statistics are only crash deaths. In addition, there are about 4 serious crash injuries that occur for each crash death.

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