Safety Advocates Write President Obama on Next NHTSA Administrator
October, 2014
A group of Auto Safety Advocates who have worked to successfully save lives of Americans for decades have written to President Obama.“In addition to deep-seated and systemic problems with this Agency’s oversight of the auto industry, there are numerous safety regulations that languish despite clear statutory deadlines. Public safety is delayed and denied when the Agency fails to issue safety standards for motor vehicle, motorcoach and truck safety that have been required by Congress. For these reasons, we urge you to select an individual who has extensive knowledge of the regulatory process, will not be timid in using NHTSA’s legal authority to enforce the law, understands the urgency of making improvements and will restore public confidence.”
For list of NHTSA Overdue & At-Risk Safety Regulations see attachment to recent Congressional testimony by Jacqueline Gillan.
Think of the enormity of the crash losses each day in the U.S.A.:
* Nearly 100 people dying of crash injuries