Victims Voices Bringing Us Closer To Achieving Vision Zero Crash Deaths in a Decade

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

An excellent article by crash victims was published in the NY Times.


Voices of crash victims desperately need to be heard and heeded if we are to accelerate progress toward achieving Vision Zero Crash Deaths and Serious Injuries in a decade.

When I started at NHTSA under Joan Claybrook, I had the privilege of beginning study of effects of crash injuries on families. See

Reagan stopped that line of inquiry at NHTSA in 1982 along with reducing the agency by 33% (300 people). NHTSA today, after more than 1.5 million more crash deaths, is still operating at that reduced level and under greater industry influence.

These voices are eloquently joining other citizen efforts to achieve Vision Zero. See and for growing political interest and possibilities see and for even some positive action by NHTSA on pedestrian protection see

Greater voices = greater choices for building a safer America.

Imagine the mapping that appears in the NY Times article extended across the nation by State and Congressional district. This can be done. See

As for detailed information on consequences of leg and foot injuries see

Thanks to the NY Times, crash victim authors, citizen activists, and Mayor de Blasio for his leadership in setting a Vision Zero goal for NYC. Now we need such leadership for a national Vision Zero goal.

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