Choose Wisely to Save Money, Aggravation, and Possibly Your Life

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community


The best information source to help you be smarter and to be safer is Consumer Reports.

I have just written an article, pro bono, for Legal Reader to help readers make wiser auto purchasing decisions. 


But consumers need the best possible purchasing auto safety information — especially as crash fatalities and serious injuries continue to grow.

And people need Consumer Reports to do more and better.

One important thing Consumer Reports can do is add information on the number and location of airbags in each model.  The IIHS has such information and can collaborate with Consumer Reports to make it more widely available. 


In addition, Consumer Reports can inform its readers of the safety importance of the car color choice with “White” being about 10% safer. 


Be informed.

Be wise.

Be safer.

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