Covering Up the VW Diesel Scandal

Dear Care For Crash Victims Community Members:

Legal Reader has published an article on this deadly scandal.  See

The article by Jack Ewing of the NY Times reports on deceptively rigged research funded by auto companies that forced monkeys to breathe automotive diesel exhaust gases.  The testing was rigged so that exhaust gases during the test were controlled to much lower levels than produced during road use.

In the article I include a 1975 EPA Report showing an oil Industry effort to similarly deceive with “scientific” experiments forcing monkeys to breathe nitrogen oxide pollutants.

Since 1975 Americans have been forced to breathe more automotive pollutants than they would have if the laws had been properly complied with.  The result is more early deaths due to air pollutants.

Under just the first year of the Trump Administration an estimated 55,000 people have suffered early deaths due to automotive air pollutants.

What government and industry do and don’t do can make important differences to the safety of the public.

Lou Lombardo

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