Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
One of our members, Marianne Karth, has asked that I share her most recent progress report on stopping the tragedies of Truck Underride crash deaths and injuries. See attached.
Marianne lost two daughters in such a crash and has been doing great work advancing public attention to the need and feasibility of ending such tragedies. Her life saving work to protect us all is available at:
Please review and share and help as it may save your life or a loved one’s life.
Please help.
Lou Lombardo
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Marianne Karth < … >
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 12:31 PM
Subject: Road to Zero Coalition Joins Nat’l Effort to End Truck Underride With Safety Priority Statement
To: “Louis V. Lombardo” < …>
Cc: Lois Durso < … >
From: Marianne Karth < … >
Date: Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 12:31 PM
Subject: Road to Zero Coalition Joins Nat’l Effort to End Truck Underride With Safety Priority Statement
To: “Louis V. Lombardo” < …>
Cc: Lois Durso < … >
We wanted to get the word out to you about a couple of new developments in our underride efforts.
- The Road to Zero Coalition now has over 740 members. Their vision is to work together to move us toward Zero Traffic Deaths by 2050. Recently they released a Truck Underride Priority Statement, and we are so happy to share it with you: Road to Zero Coalition Truck Underride Priority Statement! Please read & consider adding your voice to this effort.
- We were recently privileged to travel to South Carolina to work with Michael Hawkins (Cool Breeze Studio). Mike knows all too well the danger of trucks as he was in a horrific truck crash 14 years ago. He was in a coma for months & his family considers it a miracle that he is alive. He has dedicated his life to learning video production skills and we are excited to have his passion applied to the underride issue. Here’s a short “trailer” he just finished (plans are in the works for a longer documentary). Please view & share it.
Thank you for your interest in underride protection as a practical way to Save Lives. We are so very thankful that we are not in this alone. Let us know if you have any questions.
Marianne Karth
Jerry Karth
Lois Durso