Dear Care for Crash Victims Community:
We live in an era of danger from the invisible violence of the corona virus. And in danger from more than 40 years of corporate capture of many regulatory agencies including NHTSA.
We increasingly need information to protect ourselves.
As the people of the U.S. approach our 4 millionth death and billionth injury from vehicular violence there is one valuable source of safety information available to us.
I have just written an article published by Legal Reader on the new 2020 Car Book.
I think of the Car Book as a Tragedy Preventer. If you think I am exaggerating read the article and the evidence. It is at
Car Book information can save you time, money, and aggravation, and may save your life – if you use it to make wise decisions.
Here’s how you can order the 40th Anniversary (and final print copy):
And here’s how you can access the online version:
Center for Auto Safety