Protecting Auto Executives Not People

Protecting Auto Executives Not People

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Ending Recalls or Ending Defects?

The Detroit Free Press published a priceless photo of the Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx and NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind meeting with Executives of the major auto companies.   See

This government-industry plan has already been criticized but continues.  So do crash deaths and injuries at a rate of nearly 100 deaths per day, 400 serious injuries per day and losses valued by DOT at $2 Billion per day.  See and

President Obama has already met with auto company executives, banksters, and other corporate executives and no one in government or industry has gone to jail – not even for one day.
How much evidence do Americans need that our system of government is rigged?
One of my early assignments (late 1960s) in the Public Health Service was to examine the history of technical papers on air pollution control.  I found papers showing that the industry knew of emission control technologies that had not been applied to protect the public health.  I was later told to turn over my research to the Justice Department that was conducting a Grand Jury antitrust investigation against the auto industry.  
” The powers that be in the Department, the investigating attorney told the (Nader) Task Force, thought that criminal sanctions would be inappropriate in this case.  This position was communicated to the Grand Jury, which reluctantly terminated its indictment hearing.  (Samuel Flatow the Justice Department Attorney that led the investigation) told the Task Force that, despite (Assistant Attorney General Donald F. Turner’s) position, the Grand Jury was prepared to “run away”…and return a criminal indictment.”  See Ralph Nader’s Study Group Report on Air Pollution VANISHING AIR, p. 43.
Nader has tried to tell us for 50 years.  Why have we not learned?  Have we not listened?  Have we not heard?  When will we learn?
One of our members, Marianne Karth, advises us to act now to save lives.  See


NHTSA Will Not Count Pedestrian Who Died 2 Months After Accident

NHTSA Will Not Count Pedestrian Who Died 2 Months After Accident

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

NHTSA has a definition rule that it will only count fatalities that occur within 30 days of the crash.

So this reported fatality will not be counted by NHTSA in FARS.  See



NHTSA and Auto Industry Favor Voluntary Safety Slow Down On Automatic Braking

NHTSA and Auto Industry Favor Voluntary Safety Slow Down On Automatic Braking

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Dealing to delay, eviscerate, accommodate, & deny protection of peoples lives

The AP reports in an excellent article by Joan Lowy:

“WASHINGTON — Federal regulators and the auto industry are taking a more lenient approach than safety advocates like when it comes to phasing in automatic braking systems for passenger cars, according to records of their private negotiations.

The technology automatically applies brakes to prevent or mitigate collisions, rather than waiting for the driver to act. It’s the most important safety technology available today that’s not already required in cars.

Such systems should be standard in all new cars, says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. But instead of mandating it, the government is trying to work out a voluntary agreement with automakers in hopes of getting it in cars more quickly.

But safety advocates say voluntary agreements aren’t enforceable and are likely to contain weaker standards and longer timelines than if the government had issued rules.

“Consumers are going to come up the losers in this process,” said Clarence Ditlow, executive director of the Center for Auto Safety.

Meeting minutes obtained by The Associated Press of four of the meetings that NHTSA has held with automakers since October show the government is considering significant concessions.

Records of a meeting on Nov. 12, show that automatic braking systems would be allowed that slow vehicles by as little as 5 mph before a collision. Manufacturers would be allowed to exempt 5 percent of their vehicles from the standard. Some automakers had said it would take longer to ready manual transmission vehicles for the technology. The discussion included an additional exemption for models that manufacturers intend to phase out or redesign.

The minutes from the fourth session, on Dec. 9, indicate that some automakers say they won’t be ready to include the technology in 95 percent of their vehicles until model year that begins in September 2025. NHTSA and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety objected, saying such a long timeline “was too late for this effort to be seen as a serious effort.” Automakers are now being polled to see if they can equip 95 percent of their vehicles by the model year beginning in September 2022.”  See

More evidence of a system rigged against the people.  Enough!


NHTSA & Google & Auto Companies Working On Rules For Driverless Cars

NHTSA & Google & Auto Companies Working On Rules For Driverless Cars

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Reuters reports:”Exclusive: In boost to self-driving cars, U.S. tells Google computers can qualify as drivers

“U.S. vehicle safety regulators have said the artificial intelligence system piloting a self-driving Google car could be considered the driver under federal law, a major step toward ultimately winning approval for autonomous vehicles on the roads.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration told Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc (GOOGL.O), of its decision in a previously unreported Feb. 4 letter to the company posted on the agency’s website this week.

Google’s self-driving car unit on Nov. 12 submitted a proposed design for a self-driving car that has “no need for a human driver,” the letter to Google from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Chief Counsel Paul Hemmersbaugh said.

“NHTSA will interpret ‘driver’ in the context of Google’s described motor vehicle design as referring to the (self-driving system), and not to any of the vehicle occupants,” NHTSA’s letter said.

“We agree with Google its (self-driving car) will not have a ‘driver’ in the traditional sense that vehicles have had drivers during the last more than one hundred years.”

Major automakers and technology companies such as Google are racing to develop and sell vehicles that can drive themselves at least part of the time.

All participants in the autonomous driving race complain that state and federal safety rules are impeding testing and eventual deployment of such vehicles. California has proposed draft rules requiring steering wheels and a licensed driver in all self-driving cars.”


Vehicle drivers are still needed to keep the eyes of the vehicle open.  See

Citizens are needed to keep their eyes on these private government/industry policy makers.  Watch the DOT Revolving Door.  




NHTSA Fails Audit – Again

NHTSA Fails Audit – Again

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The NY Times reports: “Five years after an internal audit revealed serious shortcomings at the nation’s top auto safety regulator, the agency has failed to follow through on some overhauls, according to a new audit by the Transportation Department’s inspector general.”  See

Anyone who has been reading  Care For Crash Victims reports will not be surprised, but will continue to be tragically disappointed in this record.  See
NHTSA is still a captive agency.
NHTSA is infected with the deadly PITCH virus – Political Indifference To Crash Harm.  Manifestations of the PITCH disease are: * Former GM officials in high level NHTSA positions,  * Revolving Door,  * Deadly cars unfixed as far into the future as far as the eye can see,  * No vision zero goal to end crash deaths in new vehicles in the next decade,  * Rigged Justice, etc., etc.
The history of continuing and growing toll of vehicular deaths are at


NSC Estimates 2015 Had Largest Percent Increase in Vehicle Fatalities in 50 Years

NSC Estimates 2015 Had Largest Percent Increase in Vehicle Fatalities in 50 Years

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:“Itasca, IL – Preliminary estimates from the National Safety Council indicate motor vehicle deaths were 8% higher in 2015 than they were in 2014 – the largest year-over-year percent increase in 50 years. The Council estimates 38,300 people were killed on U.S. roads, and 4.4 million were seriously injured[i], meaning 2015 likely was the deadliest driving year since 2008.”  See

Important additional NSC Data by States and methodology are at



Thanks for Ralph Nader’s Work & for Crash Victims’ Work

Thanks for Ralph Nader’s Work & for Crash Victims’ Work

February, 2016

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Thanks to Nader

February 27th is Ralph Nader’s birthday.  See

50 years ago, Unsafe at Any Speed, written by Nader was published.  Since then an estimated 3.5 million American lives have been saved.  See

Is there a stadium anywhere big enough to hold that many people?

Where are those 3.5 million people and their families?  Many people may not even know enough to be grateful.  If they have a close call they may just think “Thank God”.

Invisibility of Lives Saved and Lives Lost
Although many are saved, many continue to be lost, needlessly.  See
Both the lives saved and the lives lost are not yet sufficiently visible to the world to create the needed political and market demand to stop the tragedies.
Thanks to Crash Victims’ Work 
Marianne Karth’s work to prevent future tragedies by making visible the loss of her two daughters has begun to inform work worldwide.  See attached presentation on saving children using German medical data on vehicular injuries to children.  Note:  Prof. Lob was very helpful in creating the ADAMS database for the U.S.  See and

Cally Houck’s decade of work to prevent future tragedies by making visible the loss of her two daughters has changed the law of the land in the U.S. so that rental companies must not rent out cars with unfixed defects,  See  and

The work of these crash victims are making tragedies more visible and more preventable.  
All humanity must be grateful to them and to many others who do difficult work to prevent tragedies.  See