Crash Victims Lose in America’s Legal System
December, 2014
America’s broken legal system denies crash victims justice and denies all Americans safety. Money is at the root.
The NY Times published an insightful report on the plight of crash victims. As you read the NY Times article keep in mind the DOT Policy Guidance valuing a statistical life at $9.1 million (copy attached). See NY Times article at®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Business%20Day&pgtype=Blogs
The NY Times Editorial Board addressed the need for reform as one of its top 15 issues of 2014.
“Vehicles of Mass Destruction
Deadly safety problems in cars made by General Motors, Honda and others exposed a deeply flawed auto safety system that Congressneeds to reform. Lawmakers have expressed outrage about failures by the car companies and safety regulators but so far have passed no laws to make prevent more such negligence or worse.”