Our Health, Safety, and Money – Government Deals Deem Corporate Crime Tax Deductible

Our Health, Safety, and Money – Government Deals Deem Corporate Crime Tax Deductible

December, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Our Money

The latest scandal is revealed in a report on just 5 Federal Government Agencies – including the Department of Justice – that as taxpayers we shoulder Billion$ of the fines and penalties of corporations.

“Of the five agencies examined, none have publicly announced a policy for how to address the tax status of the settlements they sign.
For the ten largest settlements announced by these major agencies during the three year period, companies were required to pay nearly $80 billion to resolve federal charges of wrongdoing, but companies can readily write off at least $48 billion of this amount as a tax deduction.”
See attached Report by U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund (U.S. PIRG Education Fund) Executive Summary p. 2. 
Our Health 
Fortune video interview of Ralph Nader describing VW pollution scandal as “Premeditated Criminal Intent”  See https://fortune.com/2015/12/02/ralph-nader-is-still-mad-at-detroit-and-silicon-valley/
Our Safety
Fortune video interview of Ralph Nader describing GM ignition cover-up scandal responsible for nearly 200 admitted deaths and injuries.  Seehttp://fortune.com/2015/12/02/ralph-nader-is-still-mad-at-detroit-and-silicon-valley/
Our Government
100 years ago, Einstein gave us a formula to understand the forces in our physical world: E = MC2 
Today we need a formula to understand the forces in our political world:

E = MC2 for Evil = Money x Corruption2

Corruption2  = Corporate x Government
Our future depends on better and wider understanding of our reality.


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