U.S.: Record Year for Recalls Passed in Just 6 Months

U.S.: Record Year for Recalls Passed in Just 6 Months

June, 2014

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The LA Times reports the U.S. has just set a new annual record for recalls.  In just 6 months!.

When will all these vehicles be fixed so Americans are safe?  
Your Life and/or Your Money?
The safety of their lives on the roads and the safety of their money in the repair shops?
The Washington Post reports:“It’s becoming the year of the recall: Automakers have recalled more than 28 million vehicles in the United States this year–more than one in 10 vehicles on the road — putting the industry on track to trample the 2004 record of 30.8 million….”

“The cost of recalls can put a financial strain automakers. GM estimates that its recalls will take $2 billion off its bottom line this year.

But for automakers and dealers, there is also an upside. Analysts say that at least two in three recall notices is fulfilled, meaning that dealers get to have their old customers back in the showroom. There, they can show off the new models, and, at minimum, be in a position to sell drivers on some repairs they previously were not considering.”

See http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/06/23/more-than-one-in-every-10-vehicles-on-the-road-has-been-recalled-since-january/

Sudden Loss of Power and Control = Wipeout
Imagine your GM vehicle, or passing another GM vehicle, that is not yet fixed, suddenly losing power.  Imagine sudden stalling, loss of power steering, loss of power brakes, and loss of airbag protection.   Quick!  What would you do?  What could you do?  What if the driver is a teenager?  In your car?  In a passing car?
Will we get all these GM cars fixed before another wipeout occurs?
In the U.S. each day, we are suffering nearly 100 crash deaths and another several hundred more serious injuries.    President Obama:  We can and must do better protecting Americans now from the clear and present dangers we face here in the U.S.A. today.  And since President Obama took office, more Americans have died of their crash injuries than died in the Afghanistan, Iraq, Viet Nam and Korean wars — combined.
President Obama: Please send in Special Forces to clean up the DOT and NHTSA.  You have the powers, responsibility and duty to act to protect Americans.


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