NHTSA Estimates Fatalities Up in 3rd Quarter of 2016

NHTSA Estimates Fatalities Up in 3rd Quarter of 2016

January, 2017

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

AP reports:

There were 27,875 deaths in the first three quarters of last year, compared to 25,808 deaths in the same period in 2015.

“We still have to figure out what is underlying those lives lost,” NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind said. “If it was simple, we would already know that.”

See http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/13/traffic-fatalities/96537568/

The NHTSA Report with the statistics (but not the tears) is at https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812358

Thus the Obama Administration is on track to record more than 250,000 deaths due to vehicle violence during 8 years in office.

Lou Lombardo


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