DOT “Sees” No Problem on Guard Rail Hazards
March, 2015
Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
DOT, with our tax dollars and with Highway lobby support, says to the American people: RIP.
Nader and Ditlow were right. On deadly roads too.
The DOT and the Highway lobby partner to give a unique meaning to Vision Zero.
“From Secretary Foxx:
Today, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) joined the National Strategy on Highway Safety Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) effort, a vision for eliminating fatalities on the nation’s roadways.
AASHTO has long been a valued partner the Department, and this aggressive approach to safety —DOT’s number one priority— will only strengthen that partnership…”
If Secretary Foxx and his team have their eyes on the Revolving Door, it would be difficult to “see” Guard Rail hazards. See