Trial Lawyers Publish a Report on History of Litigation Landmarks in Auto Safety

June, 2014

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Trial lawyers Report “Driven to Safety” is available at:

Trial lawyers have done a lot of good over the decades for crash safety.  But in my humble opinion, not nearly enough.   Over the period covered by these “successes” more than 2 million Americans have died of crash injuries and about another 8 million suffered serious injuries.

Read this report and note: *  Nader is mentioned but only in a footnote.   *  Advocates and leaders such as Joan Claybrook and Clarence Ditlow, not mentioned.

*  Insurance industry contributions not mentioned.
*  Contributions of scientists and engineers in industry and government such as Dr. Haddon, not mentioned.

*  Engineer who identified GM switch defect, not named.

*  GM Switch comparison graphic in small print on p.5 shows the force difference in the new switch was nearly doubled.  But the authors describe the difference simply as 1.6 mm longer.

My plea to trial lawyers:  You can, and must, do better.



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