Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
On this Independence Day holiday weekend, an estimated 600 Americans will lose their lives and another 2,400 will be “seriously” injured in the U.S.A. due to vehicle violence.
So far this year under Republican President Trump an estimated 16,406 Americans have lost their lives due to vehicle violence.
Many people injured and ill in America are cared for in nursing homes which are facing major cuts in funding under the Republican “Healthcare” bill currently in Congress.
What are American citizens to do?
To address this question Legal Reader has published an article I submitted titled “Empowering People With Information”. It includes info on using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by Michael R. Lemov who was involved in enacting the law.
Also see article on FOIA resources available from IRE. See
Readers can also join Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) to get additional IRE Journals and resources. See
American public opinion was, and still is, the first key to gaining our independence, “safety and happiness” as written in the Declaration of Independence.
Let’s work together to make America’s future safer and happier.
Lou Lombardo