Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:
Tennis star Venus Williams was involved in a crash that resulted in the death of a 78 year old man weeks after the crash of brain injury.
Reports of the crash and “wrongful death” law suit against Ms. Williams are at
NHTSA research found that brain injuries in crashes are often missed especially in older patients. I remember one case where an older man was given a half body cat scan for his lower extremity injuries but died weeks later of brain injuries that had not been scanned until weeks later (when it was too late). I asked the surgeon why only a half body scan was done in the first place. He said cost. I asked how much more would a full body scan cost? He said not much difference in cost but that there was a difference in schedule payments that could be justified.
See NHTSA research on crashes injuries, treatments and outcomes at
Hopefully deeper investigation of the emergency medical care of this crash victim can result in improvements in care for crash victims.