NHTSA Fails to Stop Vehicle Deaths by Keyless Ignition Switches

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The NY Times reports:

“Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, pressed Ms. King to treat the lack of such features as a design flaw, to complete the rule-making process and to raise awareness about the problem. “It’s potentially fixed very easily, virtually costlessly,” he said.

But Ms. King, the agency’s deputy administrator since late last year, agreed only to call attention to the issue, indicating that she needed more information. She noted that “research performed to date suggests a number of causes” for carbon-monoxide poisoning in homes and that deaths in such cases were generally not reported to her agency….

“The agency later concluded the investigation without taking action. Sean Kane, an auto-safety advocate who has tracked the regulator’s investigations and policies for 25 years, said the failure to pursue the inquiry was a crucial missed opportunity to address hazards linked to keyless-ignition vehicles, including carbon-monoxide poisoning.”


How many more preventable deaths and injuries due to vehicle violence must we suffer?

Lou Lombardo

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