Medal of Freedom – Corporate Freedom To Pollute

Medal of Freedom – Corporate Freedom To Pollute

November, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Yesterday President Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom to William Ruckelshaus.  See

Having been fired as a whistle blower under Ruckelshaus, I see it differently.  In 1971, I blew the whistle on EPA for rigging the auto emission standards to allow more pollutants than called for in the Clean Air Act.  See

I did not know it at the time, but the Nixon tapes decades later showed that Lee Iacocca and Henry Ford II in a White House meeting April 27, 1971 Henry Ford II notes that Ruckelshaus might help by the way “he runs his test procedures”.  See
There is little pleasure in knowing I was right and Ruckelshaus was wrong.  Nixon referred to safety advocates and environmentalists as “enemies of the system”.  I  don’t mind being thought of as an enemy of a rigged system. 
Ironic, to say the least, that after decades of Americans suffering the many harmful effects of automotive pollutants including countless deaths and diseases, and in the midst of the current VW emission cheating scandal, President Obama awards Ruckelshaus the Medal of Freedom.
This act by President Obama is one more bit of evidence that the current system is rigged against the people.


Invitation to a Presentation on Defects

Invitation to a Presentation on Defects

November, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Please see informative invitation below from Byron Bloch to his forthcoming presentation.YOU ARE INVITED TO A SPECIAL PRESENTATION AT UDC CLARKE SCHOOL OF LAW

This is a special free event open to all – please register at
Wednesday – November 4th – from 4 to 6 PM    
4340 Connecticut Ave. NW  –  Washington, D.C.
– Auto Safety Defects You Shouldn’t Overlook! 
– How to Identify, Develop, and Present an Auto Defects Case
– Pursuing Justice for the Car Crash Victim You Represent
by Byron Bloch, National Expert in Auto Safety & Crashworthiness


Safety Advocate Notes GOP Presidential Candidate Support For Auto Safety

Safety Advocate Notes GOP Presidential Candidate Support For Auto Safety

November, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Safety advocate Laura Christian’s Op Ed notes:

“At the GOP presidential debate in Colorado, Gov. Chris Christie looked the audience in the eye and promised them he would have prosecuted GM employees for the incompetence, misconduct and deliberate foot-dragging surrounding the ignition switch defect that led to at least 174 deaths and scores of injuries. He would have sent them to jail.

When will the other candidates, of both parties – and more importantly, politicians who are in office today – have the courage to stand up and say the same thing?”  See:


Estimated Auto Fatalities Up 8.1% in 2015 for the 1st 6 Months

Estimated Auto Fatalities Up 8.1% in 2015 for the 1st 6 Months

November, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

NHTSA early estimates for first half of 2015 show an 8.1% increase over last year – more than 1,000 additional deaths over 2014’s first 6 months!  See

And corporate controlled Congress is adding safety loopholes in legislation that is about to be enacted that will predictably cause more preventable deaths.
This is worse than negligent homicide. 
Even DOT Secretary Foxx notes, albeit in paragraph 8 – not paragraph 1, that safety is of concern.  “Last but not least, I remain concerned about whether Congress will use this opportunity to raise the bar on safety or lower it.  We have seen proposals put forward that limit NHTSA’s ability to recall dangerous rental cars. Both versions prevent states from using federal dollars to enforce motorcycle helmet laws, which saved more than 1,600 lives in 2013 alone. The proposals could also hide critical safety data about truck and buses companies from the public; limit our ability to perform safety inspections of motor coaches; and make it more difficult for us to enhance the safety of rail cars carrying crude oil.” See
Imagine if President Obama and Secretary Foxx had the safety of the American people as their first concern!  100 Americans dying, 400 seriously injured, and losses valued by DOT at $2 Billion every day apparently is not enough to make safety their first priority in policy – not just their words.


Some Death and Injury Rates to be Discussed by DOT and Automakers

Some Death and Injury Rates to be Discussed by DOT and Automakers

November, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

Automotive News and Bloomberg report:

“The rate of Volkswagen’s reporting to the NHTSA database is the lowest among major automakers over the last decade, including Honda and Chrysler, the Stout Risius data compiled for Bloomberg show. To ensure fair comparisons among car companies of different sizes, the rates were calculated per million vehicles on the road. The average of 11 automakers was 306 per million; Volkswagen’s rate was 34 per million.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx has said he will summon automakers to Washington to discuss the need for accurate reporting of safety defects, including the death and injury reports. The meeting is expected before the end of the year.

“NHTSA will often note the number of incidents involving injury or death when initiating investigations or working with automakers to understand whether a recall is necessary,” said Neil Steinkamp, a Stout Risius managing director who analyzed the database for missing lawsuits. “The accuracy of these reports can be influential in identifying trends that NHTSA would act on.”   See

NHTSA Withholds Fatality Rates Under Copyright Excuse

NHTSA has additional broader databases such as FARS where death rates by manufacturer are not published – but should be.  

On request, NHTSA makes available data on the number of fatalities by automaker – but not by rates per registered vehicle.  See

NHTSA claims such registered vehicle population data is protected by copyright.

NHTSA can and should bypass the copyright “protections” to carry out its primary mission to protect American motorists.  

Bloomberg has shown it can do so by making such registration data “estimates”.

NHTSA’s duty to protect Americans will be tested.  Will NHTSA continue to keep Americans in the dark on how automakers are performing in protecting their customers?



Crash Deaths Up Nearly 10% in 2015 (1st 3 Months)

Crash Deaths Up Nearly 10% in 2015 (1st 3 Months)

November, 2015

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members: As Congress creates safety loopholes, NHTSA’s early estimates for 2015 show an increase in fatalities of nearly 10% in the first quarter of 2015.  See

This increase in tragedies are currently being ignored by too many in the media, and many in Congress.

Crash Victims and Advocates have written to the Congressional Conferees about the deadly Safety loopholes that surely will result in many more tragedies.  See documents attached:



Corporate Corruption of Congress

Dear Care for Crash Victims Community Members:

The current Congress is ignoring predictable crash deaths as far into the future as the eye can see.

The current Congress is creating deadly loopholes in auto safety forever more.

Joan Claybrook warns “Instead of decisive action to improve safety, we’re being given a steady stream of corporate loopholes,” Claybrook said.   See

This is happening at Thanksgiving time in the U.S.A. today!
Imagine a predictable and preventable terrorist attack every day for as far into the future as can be foreseen.
Currently nearly 100 crash deaths, 400 serious injuries, and losses valued by DOT at $2 Billion occur each and every average day in the U.S.A. today.
This is happening at a time when more safety policy options, safety science, and safety technologies are available than ever before in history.
And still not even a national goal for Zero Crash deaths and serious injuries.
Nader has long said:  “The American people have more problems than we deserve, and more solutions available than are applied.”
Nader has been right for 50 years!
When will we ever learn and act?